Category Archives: Jewelry

Etsy obsession in blue


I have spent so much time on Etsy lately it’s becoming an obsession. Seriously, I’m out of control. I haven’t bought anything in awhile but I have been window shopping like a madwoman. If you too are an Etsy addict you can look me up on the site under the username Phera if you want to add me to your circles.

Now that I’ve admitted my addiction as a first step to recovery I have to say how impressed I am with some of the things people create and put up for sale. Awhile back I mentioned my interest in beading but the necklace that restarted my fascination was this one made by the artist at Circe’s House. I’d absolutely love to steal her picture of the necklace just to show it off here but I respect how much work she did making the piece. I will be teaching myself how to do bead embroidery after I finish knitting some objects that I can’t post pictures of until after Christmas.

In my various Etsy forays, I’ve noticed I’m drawn again and again to the vivid blues, greens, purples, and reds. Minus the red, the colors are what I call the peacock colors. Apparently I have a peacock color palette fixation. My husband and his brother are anti-peacock because according to them peacocks are evil based on their mysterious ability to fly even with all those tail feathers and the sounds they make. If you’ve never heard that sound imagine a cross between a very loud housecat and a donkey braying or just listen to the video.

Besides wasting time on Etsy, I’ve started reading a new book. I meant to read Steve Jobs’ new biography next but I’d forgotten that I pre-ordered Brandon Sanderson’s new book called the Alloy of Law. It’s set in the same world as the Mistborne Trilogy but not the same characters so far. What really drew me in to his writing was the unique magic system he created for his world. I’ve been an avid fatasy fiction reader for  as long as I remember but I do get bored when the worlds are populated with elves, orcs, and dragons all the time. Sanderson’s worlds have been unique and I’ve really enjoyed the five books of his I’ve read. Also, he’s an avid blogger on his website where he’ll share his inspirations, and thought processes that go into his writing. It’s fun to read what triggers his imagination and how he translates those into his novels.

Ooo Sparkles!


Today I’m inspired by jewelry. On October 14th I was lucky enough to score a ticket to see some of Dame Elizabeth Taylor’s collection that Christie’s will be auctioning off in December. The pieces were gorgeous and absolutely decadent. I myself don’t wear a lot of jewelry nor does my life afford me the opportunities to wear pieces like the ones in this collection but I do appreciate the artistry, skill, and beauty of those stones.

I have been interested in beading and jewelry making since I was a kid and used to make beaded Indian style earrings but after an unfortunate bead spillage I stopped. I would like to get back into it and today’s email from Jewelry Making rekindled my interest. The magazine has a contest every year called Bead Dreams. The piece that really caught my eye was the winner in the crystal jewelry category called, “I Will Rise,” by Francesca Walton. I love the reds and the Asian demon mask look to it.

Unrelated to jewelry, but I was up late again last night reading The Fountainhead and a granite quarry! Really? Things aren’t looking good for Howard.

Also Happy Diwali!